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21 questions with…Kelly Horrigan

Kelly Horrigan, you may not know the name today. However, she's making waves in the Irish modelling and fashion world, and is on track to becoming a household name in the near future. From modelling to owning her own marketing business - Kelly Horrigan is a woman with many talents. 

1. What’s a typical day for you?

Oh god, I could never say one day is "typical" - that's why I love my job so much because I’m the type of person that hates routine. So, I don’t know, I could be doing a photo shoot or a video shoot with Xposé, Ireland AM, or I could have meetings with clients from my marketing business. It just varies from day to day.

2. What made you want to become a model?

I was fifteen when I started, so I was quite slim and really tall for my age. One day someone just scouted me on the street and asked me to come in for an open casting day. Modelling was never something I really wanted to do but people used to tell me all the time that it would suite me, so I just fell into it and found that I had sparked a passion for it.

3. What has been your favourite fashion shoot?

I did a Primark campaign -  it was 5 days long and my best friend Aaron Hurley was shooting it so that made it really fun. It was worldwide so that was exciting, too.

4. Are you going to be attending London Fashion Week this year?

No - I’m hoping to go to NYFW next year because I’ve never done that before, but I think I’m going to give this season a miss because I have so much work going on! But I’d love to go again if I had the chance because it’s such an amazing opportunity.

5. How do you balance modelling and managing a business?

I used to work for a marketing agency and found that it was hard to balance my modelling career while working for someone else. So that's what sparked me to open my own business so that, you know, I could schedule my own time. It's working well so far because I keep my client-list fairly small so that it doesn’t get on top of me.

6. Who’s your biggest fashion influence?

Bella Hadid. She's so hot!

7. Who would you love to work with?

My all time favourite person ever is Tyra Banks. I just love her. Her personality and the fact that she’s a business woman... I love her. If I got to work with her it would be a dream come true! If I got to be in the same room as her! I would die.

8. Do you have any beauty tips?

Skincare. I try not to wear makeup when I’m not working.  Just keep on top of your skin - never sleep with makeup on and drink loads of water. Just looking after your skin makes such difference to how makeup is applied and how you feel about yourself.

9. Whats your skincare regime?

AM: I start by cleansing my skin using a Foreo facial cleaning brush with a cleanser. Then I put on hyaluronic acid followed by a serum and a moisturiser.

PM: I follow a similar routine at night but I also use these pads from Nip + Fab which remove makeup and also help with my congestion. I feel my skin gets very congested after a day of shooting and wearing makeup. I like to do sheet masks a lot - I do one like, every second day. I don’t know if that's too much but I just go for it anyway! I’m like 'yes... relax me'.

10. What can you not live without?

My phone. I know... it's so bad. I wish I wasn’t that person, but I’m on it 24/7. I work and Instagram from it. Who could live without one?!

11. Where is your favourite place to travel?

I went to Mykonos this summer and it was the most amazing place ever. It feels like a fake place - you know those places in Disneyland that are man made just to be beautiful? That's what Mykonos is. It’s unreal, and you feel like a celeb when you're there. I’ve so many photos saved in my drafts for Instagram throwbacks. 

12. What's your guilty pleasure?

The Tyra show. I’ve seen every episode 20,000 times. 

13. If you could invite any three people in the world to a dinner party, who would they be?

Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell and my best friend Arron Hurley because I just think that would be a gas combination.

14. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

At the moment, I really want to go to New York, so that’s at the top of my list!

15.Night-in or Night-out?

Night-in, definitely. I’m a sloth at heart.

16. What's your favourite type of food?


17. What do you do in your spare time?

Just chill out. I love magazines but I hate that everything is online now, even though that's kind of my job. Maybe that's why I hate it so much, because I’m always online. So yeah, I have subscriptions to so many different magazines and I love it when they come in the post...flicking through them and making little scrapbooks....

18. What trend will you never get tired of?

Monochrome. I’m like one of those people that hates looking back at themselves in old photos wearing crazy clothes. You just can't go wrong with black and white. It's just timeless.

19. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I would love to bring the Den back to RTE! I would love to be a TV Presenter!

20. One thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

Probably that I’m the biggest McDonalds freak ever.

21. What advice would you give to people who want to pursue modelling?

I think the first thing to understand about modelling is you can’t treat it as your plan A. You always have to have something else to fall back on because it’s such a short lived career. It's so unstable - you could work for two straight weeks every single day getting brilliant jobs and then not get anything for an entire week and you're just sitting there waiting on work. So yes, have something else in the pipeline in case it doesn’t work out.

Also, just have fun. It’s such a fun job and you get to network with such amazing people. So, yeah keep everyone's number, just in case. You never know what you might want to do in the future. and ye enjoy it and have fun!


Everyday Effortless.
September 14, 2017 by Grace Deane